
This article examines the Spanish author's newspaper column in the key of the basic concepts of classical rhetoric as an interdisciplinary science, which at the present stage allows to combine the "linguistics of expressiveness" with the consideration of linguistic material in the light of the communicative-discursive paradigm. The author's column is an example of "journalism of opinions", where thematic diversity, stylistic originality, linguistic creativity is due to the figure of the journalist with his thoughts, ideas, positions and the ultimate goal, which determines the nature of the selection of rhetorical strategies, arguments, compositional organization in order to influence the reader's perception and create a discourse of persuasion. This time the illustrative material was short columns by Manuel Vicente, a famous contemporary Spanish writer and long-time journalist of "El País". It is revealed that in the production of an analytical text there is an interpenetration of intention, arguments inventio, the order of presentation of materials dispositio with the help of appropriate discursive-expressive means elocutio. Just as it is impossible to distinguish these three rhetorical operations as purely sequential in a linear creative process, so res and verba are not absolutely separate concepts, they can be variably combined, since discourse is built according to the coordinates of integration into a heterogeneous network of texts, where the planes of res and verba are often woven into one, common linguistic fabric. This is the nature of publications demanded by the modern demanding reader, who is no longer a "passive recipient" of information. The journalist has to appeal to his mind, emotions, feelings, memory in order to "surprise" him, which means that elocutio goes beyond the simple "decoration" of speech, and returns us to the words, the process of their logical, contextual selection, combination, merging in the context to create in its compositional integrity the strength, effectiveness and persuasiveness of the article.

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