
Goal. To determine the effectiveness of different methods of growing sweet potato planting material in terms of growth and development, yield, the biochemical composition of products, and economic parameters in the Left Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. The research was conducted during 2019–2021 at the Institute of Vegetable and Melon Growing of NAAS (south-eastern agro-soil region of the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine) on podzolic low-humus medium-loam chornozem on loess-like loam. Field research was conducted according to generally accepted methods, taking into account the biometric parameters of plants, yields and biochemical parameters of products. Results. It was found that sweet potato plants of Slobozhansky rubin variety grown from potted seedlings, compared with plants from slips (not rooted shoots) significantly outperformed the latter in biometric parameters (at the end of the growing season the difference decreases), but the yield of marketable tubers did not differ significantly (47 t/ha or 3.3%). There was a certain deterioration in the biochemical composition of tubers for the cultivation of sweet potatoes, which was expressed in a significantly lower content of total sugar (3.04%), starch (10.0%), an increase in nitrate content (from 20 to 57.9 mg/kg of raw weight). Conclusions. When growing sweet potatoes from potted seedlings, the yield of normal (undeformed) tubers is 88.2%, from slips — 90.0%. For growing sweet potatoes through potted seedlings, the yield of seedlings was higher (44 pieces/kg of tubers or 528 pieces/m2 of usable area of the greenhouse), but the cost of such seedlings was 1.39 UAH/piece. For growing sweet potatoes through a single cut of shoots on the slips, the yield of seedlings was 20 pcs/kg of tubers or 240 pcs/m2, while the cost of such seedlings was 0.33 UAH/pc, which indicated the effectiveness of this method of obtaining planting material.

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