
This paper presents the positive characteristics of preoperative autohemochemotherapy associated with the drug "Melaxen” as a synthetic analogue of the epiphysial hormone melatonin, produced by Unipharm-USA in the complex treatment of patients with ovarian cancer on the stage III-IV. The authors emphasize that the "Melaxen" has a powerful antioxidant, anticarcinogenic and adaptogenic action, reduces stress response and regulates neuroendocrine function and biological rhythms. The authors believe that neoadjuvant autohemotherapy by the "Melaxen" with a powerful immunomodulatory and lipoic effects, improves general non-specific resistance of the organism, has a positive effect on the immediate and remote results of complex treatment of patients. In comparison with polychemotherapy, the autohemotherapy in combination with the “Melaxen" has the advantages. This therapy is significant in several basic methods of treatment of malignant tumors of the localization.
 It was found that with autohemochemotherapy by the "Melaxen" improves efficiency polychemotherapy, reduces its toxicity, consequently, clinically warranted and expedient in this connection, can be used as subsidiary means complex treatment of ovarian cancer recurrence in the spread process. The drug allows to improve the quality of life, to increase its duration in critically ill patients.

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