
The article seeks to explore opportunities for further entrepreneurship development and its intensification in a pandemic setting, in the transport sector in particular, which is associated with the constant search for and implementation of new ideas, technologies, goods, services, manufacturing methods, etc. to retain a business. An emphasis is put that in modern realia as never before, the effective functioning of any company demands for continuous improvement, renewal, reorganization, finding new pathways to manage and run a successful business. It is noted that this approach is based on the latest concept that assumes significant changes in entrepreneurship in the transport industry and will foster further business development. In addition, the study reveals that the application of digital platforms is viewed as the newest tool that has the potential to boost the transport industry growth. However, despite objective reasons, there is still a lack of proper justification for the need to use digital technologies in transport. It is noted that the Industry Development Strategy 4.0 designed by the Ukrainian Association of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs interprets digital transformation as social or technological changes associated with the penetration of digital technology into all areas of human interactions. The essence of these transformations is to find new approaches and management concepts to resolve classic business challenges. The purpose of this article is to verify the feasibility of transport entrepreneurship based on digital platforms. The study provides insights into the benefits and specifics of digitalization in the context of Covid restrictions adjusted the needs of business acceleration. To attain the research objectives, the tools of information and marketing communications were used as well as the outcomes of marketing research to summarize information on the development of courier delivery and taxi services in Ukraine. Based on the analysis of entrepreneurship in the transport industry, the essential characteristics of digital platforms for taxi service have been discussed. It is argued that a customer focus makes the basis of any successful digital strategy. However, according to the study findings, transport companies need a single comprehensive perception of their customers to develop cooperation and offer a personalized approach to them. The summary concludes that digitalization is aimed at retaining the contact between the consumer and the producer to balance twofold interests: on the one hand, to the producer it will result in profit growth, and on the other – the consumer will be able to get the enhanced service quality, thus managing a close relationship between these two market actors, even in the quarantine realia.

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