
This article aimed to present detailed literature review on chickpea Ascochyta blight disease. Ascochyta blight caused by Ascochyta rabiei is one of the most biotic stresses reducing chickpea yield. The fungus now exists in the most chickpea growing areas in the world. The most damaging symptoms are stem breakage and pod infection. The life cycle of the fungus consists of a single sexual generation (Didymella rabiei) per season which develops on infected plant debris during winter followed by several asexual generations during the growing season of the crop. The use of resistant cultivars is the most effective, economical and environmentally safe means to manage the disease. Other cultural practices, such as the use of disease free seeds or treated seeds, crop rotation for at least 4 years and deep ploughing of previous infested crop debris accompanied with spraying suitable fungicides in the correct times will minimize the disease severity.

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