
The article presents an analysis of the works of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, prominent public, state and scientific figure, scientist Manash Kabashevich Kozybayev, made before and after the collapse of the Soviet Union for the revival of the historical consciousness of our people and the formation of consciousness of independence. The author notes that in the history of mankind there is a movement of ideological enlightenment even on the eve of great social changes and after social transformations. The same campaign went on before and after the collapse of the USSR. At that time, Manash Kozybayev started the "dynasty of historians" and worked tirelessly to awaken and form an independent state consciousness among the Kazakh people. He actively contributed to the change of public consciousness, using a fiery journalistic genre, which the population easily understands and perceives, defining historical, political, cultural and civilizational concepts and the understanding of independence. Just as the French philosopher, the representative of the encyclopedists Denis Diderot systematized the science, knowledge and concepts of that time, Manash Kabashevich is also considered an encyclopedist-educator, a harbinger of the consciousness of independence.

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