
@Objective : The purposes of this study was to analyze the effects of the stirrup length fitted to the rider's lower limb length and it’s impact on less skilled riders during trot in equestrian events. Methods : Participants selected as subjects consisted of less skilled riders(n=5, mean age: 40.02±10.75 yrs, mean heights: 169.77±2.08 cm, mean body weights: 67.65±7.76 kg, lower limb lengths: 97.26±2.35 cm, mean horse heights: 164.00±5.74 cm with 2 type of stirrups lengths(lower limb ratio 74.04%, and 79.18%) during trot. The variables analyzed consisted of the displacement for Y axis and Z axis(head, and center of mass[COM]) with asymmetric index, trunk front-rear angle(consistency index), lower limb joint(Right hip, knee, and ankle), and average vertical forces of horse rider during 1 stride in trot. The 4 camcorder(HDR-HC7/HDV 1080i, Spony Corp, Japan) was used to capture horse riding motion at a rate of 60 frames/sec. Raw data was collected from Kwon3D XP motion analysis package ver 4.0 program(Visol, Korea) during trot. Results : The movements and asymmetric index didn't show significant difference at head and COM, Also, 74.04% stirrups lengths in trunk tilting angle showed significant difference with higher consistency than that of 79.18% stirrups lengths. Hip and knee joint angle showed significant difference with more extended posture than that of 74.04% stirrups lengths during trot. Ankle angle of 79.18% stirrups length showed more plantarflexion than that of 74.04% stirrups lengths. Average vertical force of rider showed significant difference with higher force at 79.18% stirrups lengths than that of 74.04% stirrups lengths during stance phase. Conclusion : When considering the above, 74.04% stirrups length could be effective in impulse reduction with consistent posture in rather less skilled horse riders.

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