
Thepreviouspartofthearticle(seeElektrich estvo No. 6, 2018 [1]) described a new theory of anautotransformer, according to which the primary ro le is played by two flows of Poynting vector, namely, the electrical and electromagnetic ones, which are subs equently reflected in the equivalent twotransformer circuit.The specific feature of this circuit is that it separately contains the transformer itself without conductive connections between its primary and secondary windings. Owing to this feature, conditions were setup for using statements that have led to the notion about the “transformer anatomy” (see Elektrichestvo, No.3,2017)[2]inconnectionwiththefactthatanA invariant surface was revealed inside each of its windings, such that the vector potential (A) on it d oes not depend on the load on the other winding. Obviously, the magnetic fluxembraced by this surface has the same property, and it should be noted that the latter acquires also the sense of a Фinvariantsurface. The aim of this studyistoes tablish distinctive, ascompared with a transformer, specific features per tinent to distribution of the vector potential in an autotransformer and to disclose their role in understanding the physical processes occurring in the device under any operating conditions, including detailed clarification of factors causing its degraded (according to the data of the AllRussia Electrical Engineering Institute, CIGRE, and IEC)dynamic withstand capability in case of a shortcircuit fault [3—5].

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