
Altogether 1648 cases of three-prong interaction of π−-mesons with a 4 GeV/c impulse were found on 90 000 pictures from a propane bubble chamber 55 × 28 × 14 cm3 in size; all three secondary particles were pions, two having a negative and one a positive charge. Analysis of these cases showed that at an impulse of 4 GeV/c of primary π−-mesons the process of the coherent production of pions was not observed. On the other hand, this analysis led to an interesting result: (19 ± 9) % of the total number of (π+, π−) pairs in “A” interactions is due to the decay of the meson ϱ0 → π+ + π−. A value of\(M\varrho _0 \) = (764 ± 36) MeV was obtained for the mass\(M\varrho _0 \) of\(\varrho _0 \) mesons and\(\Gamma \varrho _0 \) = (166 ± 55) MeV fort he width\(\Gamma \varrho _0 \) of its resonance curve. Investigation of the distribution of masses\(M_{3\pi } \) in the case in question gave no answer due to the insufficiently determined course of the background curve.

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