
In the article on the basis of German and Danish chronicles to the XII – early XIII centuries, the key problems of the historical development of the Obodrites at the final stage of their political independence (30-60s of the XII century) are analyzed. The research is based on the principles of historicism, scientificity and authorial objectivity, as well as on the use of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison) and special-historical (historical-typological, historical-systemic) methods. It is noted that the main milestones of the final stage of the political history of the Obodrit state were: the construction of the Siegeberg fortress (about 1134), the annexation of the tribal territories of the Wagri and Polabs in 1138–1143, the crusade against the Polab-Baltic Slavs in 1147, the final liquidation of independence actually encouraged in 1160. The author concludes that the end of independence Obordit state peace agreement ended in 1166, concluded between the Saxon Duke Henry the Lion and obodrit Prince Prybyslav under which the latter returned Obodrit principality, except fortress Zwiryn of the beast, which was to leave but Huntselinu. Since then, Prybyslav has been a vassal of the Saxon duke. By accepting Christianity, he was forced to promote the Christianization and German colonization of Obodritia, which is gradually losing its Slavic character. There is a process of full integration of these lands into the economy, politics and ideology of medieval Germany.

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