
The design features of fishery research vessels of a new generation with non-standard solutions in propulsion systems as well are considered as an example for foreign ships built in 2019–2020 for fisheries organizations of Kuwait, China, Argentina, Canada and the Faroe Islands. The information is analyzed for 7 special vessels with maximum length from 36 to 84 m on the base of 5 projects. The main characteristics are given in the table. Special attention is paid to the design features of ship propulsion systems with a hybrid scheme for combining diesel-gear and diesel-electric systems. Such scheme allows one to use a low-consumption diesel propulsion at crossings and low-noise electric one during acoustic surveys in accordance with ICES Recommendations 209. Different research equipment for a number of vessels including hydroacoustic one, which is of particular interest, is considered. The features of modern trends in the development of fishery scientific research vessels are analyzed.

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