
The purpose of the study is to consider the peculiarities of the educational process development in the Uman region under the conditions of social and political changes in Ukraine during the 1930s. Th e research methodology is based on general scientifi c and problem-chrono- logical methods, analysis, principles of objectivity, historicism, etc. Th e scientifi c novelty lies in an attempt to highlight the ambiguous infl uence of the policy of the Soviet regime on the formation and further development of national education in the territory of the Uman district. Th e conclusions of the conducted research allow us to assert the multiface tedness of the raised problem, which has fairly wide coverage in various formats, and at the same time, is consonant with the present. Th e Soviet regime was distinguished by the total establishment of ideological doctrine with the use of repression in all spheres, including education. Th e formation of the Ukrainian education system took place in the 1920s due to the Ukrainization policy, which was curtailed at the end of the decade, moving to its reconstruction in the direction of unifi cation, the creation of a single all-Soviet system. In the diffi cult socio-economic conditions of the early 1930s, more than two dozen secondary schools and evening schools for adults functioned in the Uman district. Th ere was active development of education in the native language, considering the best achievements of pedagogical science, aimed at improving the quality of education and spreading experience. Since 1931, the state-party policy in education had been changing due to a number of decrees issued, resulting in a single centralized, ideological education system. Its functioning was negatively infl uenced by socio-economic and socio-political factors – forced collectivization, the genocide of 1932–1933, and repressions, which in 1937–1938 acquired a mass character. Both hunger and the repressive apparatus were raging in the Uman region. At the same time, considering the need for qualifi ed personnel, the authorities strengthened the educational structure as an important ideological tool for the education of Soviet people and the creation of a totalitarian society.

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