
The paper examines the views of Soviet critics on the works of the writer Irène Némirovsky, a representative of the “younger generation” of the first-wave Russian emigration to France. The writer successfully integrated into French society and her writings enjoyed success with the European public in the 1920s and 1940s. The researcher reveals the reasons for the lack of references to Némirovsky’s creative work in most periodicals in the novelist’s homeland during this period. The aim of the study is to determine the features of the reception of Irène Némirovsky’s works in Russia during the writer’s lifetime. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the editorial policy of the journal “Foreign Literature” due to the fact that it is the only literary magazine that published reviews of the writer’s works during the specified period found by the author of the paper. This material has not been analysed before, which accounts for the scientific originality of the study. The examination of the discovered articles makes it possible to reveal the view of Soviet society on Némirovsky’s creative work. As a result, it has been proved that the attitudes dictated by the party’s policy in the field of fiction prevented the popularisation of the writer’s works in the Soviet space.

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