
The article is analyzing the organization of the off-hours time for employees in higher education institutions of Saratov in the 1920s. Based on original sources, the author reveals the main types of leisure of the teaching staff. In the period under review, a lot of the old, traditional still existed in the nonprofessional activities of lecturers, which, due to objective reasons of that time, underwent some changes. Since leisure remained an integral part of private life, it was impossible to completely abandon it, although in comparison with the pre-revolutionary period there was less and less space for it. The issues of the spiritual world, views on the surrounding reality, reflections on the life path of life and credo – all that faded into the background, the lecturers had to solve the acute issues of a half-starved existence, and sometimes to wage an actual struggle for survival. When comparing the leisure of scientists and the working class people, there is a difference in their quality content and in specific types of pastime. The main attention is focused on considering the factors that influenced changes in the forms of spending free time by scientists during the 1920s.

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