
They pushed ahead a modern reform movement to overcome the shock of the defeat in Sino-Japanese War and the limit of self-strengthening movement in China from June 11<sup>th</sup> to September 21<sup>st</sup> in 1898. Emperor Guangxi actively promoted the institutional reform, accepting the advises of reformist politicians like Kang Yuwei. However, the 1898 institutional reform movement faced a critical frustration by anti -reform reaction of the conservative. Consequently some reformists figures were arrested, with Emperor Guangxi deprived of the political power. An analysis of the news articles reported in the Korean newspapers for 5 months after June of 1898 when this drastic changes happened in china showed us that though the number of articles concerning Ch’ing China was not so few, the understanding of the Chinese institutional modernization and reform movement was very shallow and superficial. Most of the articles in the Korean papers dealing with the political situation of Ch’ing China was focusing on the relationship between Ch’ing China and other powers, especially the relationship with England, Japan, Russia, France and America. Besides this they minutely introduced the domestical incidents or criminal cases in which Koreans and Chinese were involved in Korea. Even the articles treating the modernization reform of Ch’ing China was mainly concentrated on the issues such as the extension of the new army, the dispatch of military students to foreign powers, the expansion of modern educational institutes, and the encouragement of modern industries like railroad and trade, while their understanding about the political and institutional reforms were not accurate nor abundant enough. They lacked a concrete recognition and consciousness of these kinds of issues. However, it is noteworthy and meaningful that the articles focused on the instructions for the national preservation and development of Daehan Empire, which could be learned from the Chinese experience of exigency and reform policy. This indicates that the press of Korea was relatively taking a good charge of its role and function in enlightening people. Its historical significance can be found in this perspective.

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