
After Japanese army had retreated toward Pusan · Dongrae in April 1593, the Joseon Court set about seeking alternative by which it could check the second Japanese invasion. Seonjo appointed Yu Seong-ryong as his prime minister to make him manage war situation. Thus Yu Seong-ryong prepared defense plan focused on fortifying strategic area and position. He aimed to organise the whole country to work as one body in this plan. The military preparedness of the Dual Wests, or Hwanghae and Pyeongan belonged to this plan. It had the meaning that the Joseon army had a rear base in the region of the Dual Wests. In Pyeongan Province, Yu constructed defense system to make center Pyongyang and be protected by the neighboring districts for example Sukcheon · Anju · Seongcheon. According to this plan he conscribed and trained army and this army was reorganised as Sokokun(束伍軍). As a result the army in Pyeongan Province reached about 12,000 soldiers. In Hwanghae he concentrated on obtaining salt and iron. By producing salt he tried to trade with rice, and convert the rice into army provisions. Regarding iron, it was to do with making guns and cannons. Among the areas in Hwanghae Province, he pointed out Pyungsan · Kangeum · Jeotan and suggested to repair the fortification each. Also in this province he trained Sokokun(束伍軍) to accomplish the 10,000 soldier army. The defense plan for the Dual Wests, or Hwanghae and Pyeongan, comparing with the Gyeonggi defense plan, was far from the blocking off the Japanese army step by step at the fortifications. It had the intention exploiting the Dual Wests, or Hwanghae and Pyeongan as rear base for army recruit, provisions, and weapons while defensing the capital, Hanseong through protecting Gyeonggi finally.

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