
The article is devoted to the issue of short-circuit analysis in the high-voltage network of the power supply system of an industrial enterprise. A short-circuit analysis is based on the methodology recommended by the IEC 60909 International Standard. The method of equivalent voltage source at a shortcircuit point was used to calculate a short-circuit current. The necessity to analyze short-circuit currents at all levels of the power supply system was used as justification of the feasibility of automation of the calculation process. Module "Shortcircuit analysis" of the ETAP software was used as an analysis tool. The nominal parameters of the elements of the power supply system of the industrial enterprise and its topological structure are the initial data for the calculation. A single-line scheme of a 10 kV distribution network of power supply system is designed in ETAP program for implementation of the calculation process. The calculation of the value of the initial and maximum current for symmetric (three-phase) and asymmetrical ("phase-phase" and "phase-land") short circuits at the specified points of the electrical network, as well as the detection of inconsistency of characteristics installed equipment to short-circuit currents and displaying inadequate places are the result of the module "Short-circuit analysis" of the ETAP program. The results of the analysis of short circuit in the investigated distribution network of the 10 kV industrial enterprise did not find inconsistencies of the equipment characteristics of the requirements for the stability of short-circuit currents.

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