
The peculiarities of the selective educational component teaching “Speech Therapy Workshop” at Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko for students of the second (master’s) higher education level are highlighted in the article. It is noted that the educational component is marked by its practical orientation. As this discipline studying result, students must have the following skills: analyzing speech disorders; determining the content, speech therapy choice of methods and techniques for various speech disorders in children and adults; choosing the appropriate sequence of actions and performing them productively; carrying out corrective work with persons with different ages speech disorders. It should also be noted that the new generation of special education specialists must implement modern models of end-to-end development, engage in research, research, innovation and practical activities, which is also possible as the studying result of the educational component “Speech Therapy Workshop”. In addition to theoretical training, students improve their skills in overcoming various speech disorders and have the opportunity to practice a number of classes on the basis of the Scientific and Practical Center of Speech Therapy Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko, which specializes in providing speech therapy to all ages people with various psychophysical development disorders. This significantly enhances the effect of the theoretical material mastering. Master’s students have the opportunity to observe the consultations, diagnostics and classes of the center’s specialists, as well as to fully participate in the work. The working advantages in the center are that you can observe the work with people with different speech disorders diagnoses, as well as improving skills in working with different ages people. It is noted that the educational component “Speech Therapy Workshop” is extremely useful. Especially for undergraduate students who have entered the master’s program under the “cross-entry” system

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