
The article summarizes the study results of the problem of forming the resource base of Ukrainian banking system, considers the theoretical aspects of its formation, and specifically the sources of replenishing the banks resource base, it is determined that banking institutions should form and manage the deposit portfolio, develop a rational deposit policy, because this is the basis for effective management of attracted resources. Banks can carry out long-term lending or investment, go to a higher level of economic activity only with a constant enhancing deposit resources. The analysis has made it clear that Ukrainian banking system attracts high resource level, which occupies a significant part of the liabilities of each bank and the banking system as a whole. The results of the analysis of the investments dynamics in the banks deposit accounts over the past three years (in the distribution by the status of depositors and deposit currencies), also the structure analysis of financial resources attracted by the banking system are presented. It is shown that even in the conditions of a significant reduction in the number of banking institutions, the level of resources attracted by them has increased during the study period (although the volume of term deposits grows at a much slower rate than the volume of funds on current accounts or call accounts); at the same time, the largest share is made up of investments in national currency on current / call accounts. The main problems of banking institutions in the course of raising funds are stated, including the influence of macroeconomic factors, the choice of an inappropriate market segment, a decrease in customer loyalty, as well as a significant problem for banks – a timing mismatch in attraction and placement of attracted resources, which can affect the liquidity of data institutions. Banking institutions should take into account these problems during their activity and try to neutralize or at least minimize them. In order to increase the resource potential of the domestic banking system, the feasibility of implementing certain proposals has been substantiated, it will allow attracting additional funds from individuals and entities to bank accounts, especially to term deposits, which are priority for banks.

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