
The article analyzes the key aspects of Pythagoras’ activity as a political thinker and public figure based on the latest fundamental research on Pythagorean issues, as well as using original sources of ancient Greek and ancient Roman historians, philosophers, and orators. It was revealed that the very question of the philosopher’s birthplace became the focus of imperial propaganda in Ancient Rome. It is proved that Pythagoras himself was not directly related to political activity, although his philosophical beliefs, mainly about the understanding of the ideal form of government, and the role and meaning of laws, had an impact on social life in Ionia and Western Greece. It has been proven that the success of his speeches on the territory of modern Italy is connected with the fact that in Croton, as in other neighboring cities, there was a «demand» for new political transformations and changes. True, no radical changes took place, but the followers of Pythagoras found themselves in the power structures of various cities, which was caused by the persecution of his students. It is substantiated that it is not known exactly what political and legal beliefs the founder of the early Greek philosophical tradition adhered to, but it is obvious that he had a powerful impact on the development of the philosophical sphere both theoretically and practically. Pythagoras developed a sufficient pseudo-epigraphic corpus of works, the provisions of which were used by the followers of this school, some of which are found in Platonic political and legal treatises. Separate ideas formed the basis of the doctrine of the Platonic state — Platonopolis. It was also revealed that, in addition to political activity, Pythagoras had an influence on the philosophical and legal thought of antiquity, which is confirmed by the presence of a whole series of his laws, as well as works devoted to legal issues, which are traditionally attributed to his followers.

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