
The assessment of economic sovereignty in the context of modern geopolitical challenges is essential for understanding the dynamics of international relations. Sanctions have become the primary tool of coercion against competitors within the framework of the established policy of neo-protectionism in the XX–XXI centuries. In the face of escalating sanction pressure on the Russian Federation in 2022–2023, studying international experience in counter-sanction policies becomes relevant. This study examines the main vectors for enhancing the resistance of the economic system in the practices of Iran, the People’s Republic of China, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and the Republic of South Africa. A possible way to counteract sanctions pressure is to initiate a policy aimed at increasing the country’s economic resilience. The author’s methodology for assessing the state of the three political economic sovereignties of the Russian Federation is proposed. The methodology is applied in the article to the example of the geo-economic component over the period of 2015–2021. It is demonstrated that the initial resistance for the geo-economic component of economic sovereignty has not been achieved. Moreover, specific directions for increasing the level of sustainability in the context of the geo-economic component are proposed. By adapting lessons from international experiences, the Russian Federation can strengthen its economic sovereignty and navigate global challenges more effectively.

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