
Dynamic changes in the international and national contexts of university development in modern conditions actualize a deep scientific understanding of the higher education internationalization as a multidimensional scientific and practical phenomenon. The author proves the necessity of taking into account global, national, regional and institutional context of higher education internationalization, that allows us to move from scattered activities to systemic development and implementation of the university integrated strategy of education internationalization as part of general development strategy leadership of the competitive advantages of the university. The purpose of the research, the results of which are presented in this article, is to identify the structure of scientific and methodological support of the strategy of education internationalization at the university. To achieve this purpose, the following tasks were solved: the analysis of domestic and foreign theories of education internationalization was carried out; the features of external and internal internationalization were considered; the structural components of scientific and methodological support for the strategy of education internationalization at the university were identified. The article presents the characteristics of scientific and methodological support for the strategy of education internationalization at the university as a set of conceptual and methodological, value-oriented, organizational and managerial, and program and methodological blocks. The author concludes that the interaction and interrelation of the identified blocks ensures the integrity, consistency and predictability of the strategy of education internationalization in higher education as a factor of its integration into the international educational space. Scientific and methodological support of the strategy of education internationalization at the university is considered in the article as a complex resource of the university's system orientation to the intensification of international scientific and educational cooperation and the development of academic excellence in the global educational space. The novelty and theoretical significance of the results obtained is to identify and characterize the structure of scientific and methodological support for the strategy of education internationalization at the university. The results obtained can be used in educational practice when analyzing the experience of higher education internationalization accumulated in higher education institutions, its scientific understanding and justified modeling

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