
Using the adsorption properties of polyvinylpyrrolidone and the antitrombocytic properties of acetylsalicylic acid in operation, a drug coating was applied to a metal stent by an electrochemical method. Optimal conditions of electrochemical deposition of drug coatings on metal surfaces are selected. The obtained drug coating was evaluated and the thickness of the drug coating was calculated. Drug-coated stents are the most significant innovation in invasive cardiology of the early 21st century. In this regard, methods that allow the rapid, effective and long-term restoration of blood circulation in a damaged vessel are being actively developed. Stenting coronaries that nourish the heart is a sparing intravascular surgery with expansion of stenosed or occluded areas of the arteries by the stent. The mesh structure allows it to be delivered to the installation site in a compressed state, and in place – to expand to the size required by the vessel. Since the implant is a foreign body, the introduction of a stent provokes the activation of blood coagulation mechanisms, which is the cause of restenosis – repeated blockage of the vessel. To reduce the risk of restenosis, a drug coating is applied to the stent to prevent blood clots from forming in blood vessels.

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