
Currently, characterized by unprecedented anti-Russian sanctions restrictions, issues of functioning of all spheres of human activity are acute. The sphere of higher education was no exception. The agenda of economic and educational forums increasingly includes issues of ensuring the quality of higher education in the context of globalization processes, discussing the prospects for the implementation of international educational programs, analyzing the current state of international student mobility and ways to expand it to cover new areas of education, compliance of higher education with global humanistic values. In the context of globalization processes, quality issues in the field of higher education are of particular importance due to a group of factors, including: the massization of higher education, the development of cross-border education and the expansion of its opportunities due to the new forms and technologies of education, the popularization and expansion of the availability of international educational programs, the strengthening of competition of educational organizations for foreign applicants as sources of funding, etc. The effect of these factors in the international educational space, on the one hand, requires compliance with uniform standards, which include European standards and recommendations for quality assurance of higher education in the European Space (ESG–QA), on the other – may lead to a decrease in educational standards, including under the influence of external factors of the so-called insurmountable strength. We are talking about the impact of COVID-19 and the escalating geopolitical situation on the stability of international partnerships and the preservation of the principles formalized in a series of global documents on quality assurance of higher education, and the enduring universal values.

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