
Despite the progress in otosurgery, the efficient treatment of patients with the cochlear form of otosclerosis (according to the classification of N.A. Preobrazhensky, 1962) remains an important task. The authors have developed and implemented an advanced stapedoplasty method, providing the improvement of hearing in this category of patients. and described the methods of differential diagnostics for selection of patients according to the developed method. The article describes in details the early and long-term functional results of surgical treatment of 60 patients with cochlear and mixed II forms of otosclerosis, divided into the main and control groups. The main group is represented by 30 patients who underwent a cartilage-on-vein stapedoplasty according to the improved method. The control group included 30 patients, in which 18 people underwent a cartilage-on-vein stapedoplasty according to the method developed by Lenin Prize winner V. F. Nikitina, and 12 people who underwent V. T. Palchun’s piston stapedoplasty. The results demonstrate a statistically significant improvement of bone conduction in the main group in average by 15–20 dB throughout the entire tone scale (except for high frequencies in some patients) and the complete closure of the bone-air interval with subsequent preservation of the results. Based on the obtained data, the authors present the expediency and perspectivity of implementation of the advanced stapedoplasty method.

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