
The article is devoted to the study of the problem of formation and improvement of the culture of business communication of future police officers. The definitions of «business communication», «culture of business communication», «culture of business communication of a police officer» are given. Analysis of the works of domestic and foreign scientists allowed us to formulate our own definition of the main concept of the study. Thus, the culture of business communication of the police officer means a set of communicative, socio-psychological, intercultural skills and habits, values, norms of professional behavior, compliance with general and professional etiquette in the processes of intersubjective interaction at the subject-informational and interactive levels in solving problems. The characteristics of interactive forms and methods of formation and improvement of the culture of business communication of future law enforcement officers during their basic training in a higher education institution is given. Productive forms of improving the speech culture of law enforcement specialists include classes-debates, classes-researches, classes-discussions, binary classes, which form the communicative competence of students, their initiative is revealed, a situation of confidence, intellectual freedom is composed, pedagogy of cooperation is implemented. Among the methods of improving the culture of business communication of police officers, the meaningful place is given to role-playing and business games, theatrical techniques, drama techniques, the method of projects that not only improve the culture of business communication of law enforcement officers, but also develop their imagination and creativity, promote socialization of personality, allow to realize the contextual (professionally oriented) approach in training of police officers. Examples of practical application of the above mentioned forms and methods in the educational process are given.

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