
The purpose of this study was to describe the 6-month prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries in military cadets. Medical charts of medical patients from January to June 2022 were reviewed. Out of 262 patients, 188 patients were musculoskeletal injuries. The measured data were performed for frequency analysis and Fisher’s exact test through the SPSS 25.0 program, and the significant level was set to 0.05. As a results, the anatomical location of injuries were found in the order of knee 24.5%, waist 18.6%, ankle 18.6%, and shoulder 10.6%. Types of injuries were myalgia 71.3%, ligament/tendon sprains 12.8%, fractures 5.3%, and ligament ruptures 4.3% in that order. The primary cause of injuries was 53.8% of physical education classes, sports activities, and physical training (aerobic exercise, resistance exercise). As for the measures to be taken after the injury, 93.6% of the first-stage treatment (rest, pain relief, physical therapy, anti-inflammatory analgesic, etc.). Preventable injuries were 35.1%, and most of the physical training (aerobic exercise and resistance exercise) was preventable. Therefore, in order to prevent musculoskeletal injuries, cadets should be aware of the risk factors for injuries. To this end, it is considered that the data of this study can be used for the prevention of injuries in advance.

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