
Review is devoted to published in 2022 collective monography «History of Ukraine» in which in details actual, directly hot problem was highlighted. Historiographic review presented in monography had been prepared on high professional level. High attention was directed to control of Ukrainian elites on mechanisms of forming principally «new» historical knowledge and to inclusion of educational system, cultural institutions, media enterprises to this process. Special attention according to reviewer opinion must be addressed to specific forms of using by representatives of Ukrainian administration of nationalist methods with the aim of concentration of Ukrainian policy on meaningless confrontation with Russia. Detailed analysis of facts gave to authors of monography possibility to reveal reasons of human catastrophe in Donbass. This catastrophe according to opinion of authors of monography was in many aspects appeared in result of influence of world informational infrastructure with help of which it became possible to use historical policy in geopolitical interests of large states and firstly of Western European countries which actually direct collective mind not only of some social groups and population of their countries but also of users of information in all over the world. The accent in monography was made on necessity existing for contemporary Russian historical community for giving answers on massive invasion of Ukrainian historical mythology; the so-called historical conceptions, ideological interpretations and large narrative constructions and to form energetic reactions on facts of falsification real history of Russia and of Ukraine. Basic points and results formulated by authors as based on massy base of sources. Monography includes very reach fact material and this quality allows its readers to deeply understand features of forming Ukrainian state system.

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