
The relevance of the topic is connected with the need to ensure the most comfortable conditions for the development and training of a child’s languages, taking into account the patterns of speech ontogenesis. The article discusses the need to develop and implement bilingual educational programs at the level of pre-school education, describes the language situation in the Russian Federation and abroad, requiring the introduction of corrective measures in pre-school education. The authors of the article designate factors hindering the implementation of the bilinval educational model at the preschool level. Among them are conceptual, pedagogical, technological and other factors. The specificity of bilingual educational programs, as well as the features of the ontolinguistic approach, which allows for the implementation of bilingual education and development of a preschooler, are described. The article reveals the concept of an ontolinguistic approach to teaching bilingual children the language of preschool and younger school age, as the most relevant to the specific psychophysiology of children. This approach is universal when teaching any language in the specified period of childhood. The authors of the article pay special attention to the need to create a bilingual educational environment, which is an integral condition for the implementation of the ontolinguistic approach to teaching and developing a preschool child. The article lists the basic conditions that are necessary for teaching a bilingual child (bilingual educational content, the use of two languages in the pedagogical process, taking into account the specific psychophysiology of a preschool child, etc.).

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