
The article highlights the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of phytoplankton organisms in the water area of the Middle Caspian Sea studied by sections: the city of Makhachkala-cape Sagyndyk, the city of Derbent - cape Sandy, Divichi village - Kenderli bay in 2019-2020. The saprobity index and the corresponding saprobity zone of the studied areas have been determined. It has been found that the dominant group was presented by diatoms (43% of the total com-position). The subdominants were dinophytic algae. The basis of the ecological complex of 2019-2020 was made up of representatives of freshwater groups of algae. Only on the section of Divichi village - Kenderli bay there dominated the species of marine origin. Quantitative indicators of phy-toplankton, both in the Middle Caspian as a whole and by sections, in 2020 decreased compared to the previous year. The general part of the biomass was formed by a large diatom Pseudosolenia calcar-avis and representatives of the group of dinophytic algae. The leading role in the abundance figures of the Middle Caspian in 2020 was played by small-cell phytoplankton, mainly from diatoms - Thalassiosira hustedtii, Thalassionema nitzschioides, Aulacoseira granulate, species of the genus Fragilaria. The highest quantitative indicators of 2020 were noted in the section of the city of Makhachkala-cape Sagyndyk in the productive layer of 0-25 m. In 2019-2020, the saprobiological state of the waters of the Middle Caspian was characterized as moderately polluted


  • The article highlights the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of phytoplankton organisms in the water area of the Middle Caspian Sea studied by sections: the city of Makhachkala-cape Sagyndyk, the city of Derbent - cape Sandy, Divichi village - Kenderli bay in 2019-2020

  • It has been found that the dominant group was presented by diatoms (43% of the total composition)

  • The general part of the biomass was formed by a large diatom Pseudosolenia calcar-avis and representatives of the group of dinophytic algae

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Исследована количественная и качественная характеристика фитопланктонных организмов на акватории Среднего Каспия за 2019–2020 гг. по разрезам: г. Количественные показатели фитопланктона в целом по Среднему Каспию и по разрезам в 2020 г. Основу биомассы формировала крупная диатомовая водоросль Pseudosolenia calcar-avis и представители группы динофитовых водорослей. Ведущую роль в показателях численности Среднего Каспия в 2020 г. Играл мелкоклеточный фитопланктон, главным образом из диатомовых водорослей – Thalassiosira hustedtii, Thalassionema nitzschioides, Aulacoseira granulate, виды рода Fragilaria. Ключевые слова: фитопланктон, Средний Каспий, диатомовые водоросли, численность, биомасса, сапробность. В. Особенности развития фитопланктона Среднего Каспия в летний период // Вестник Астраханского государственного технического университета. В связи с этим при мониторинге окружающей среды одной из важных составляющих является наблюдение за биологическими объектами, в частности исследование водорослей, их таксономического состава, численности и биомассы. Объект и методы исследования Исследованы видовой и количественный составы фитопланктона Среднего Каспия в летний период 2020 г.

Водные биоресурсы и их рациональное использование
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