
The necessity of updating the issues of legislative improvement of the country's regional development through the prism of political conflicts is substantiated. The negative consequences for the development of the country as a result of the war are formed and its negative impact on the convergence of regions is noted. It has been determined that the primary task of the socio-economic recovery of the development of the country's regions is the formation of a state and regional policy of adaptive integration and cohesion of Ukrainian territories. Schematic representations of legislative initiatives of the convergence of regions are given, consisting of the laws of the economy, the principles of its functioning, the tools for implementation and the subjects of economic relations, which together form an effective platform for the implementation of regional transformations in the legal field. The regulatory and legal framework for the convergent development of regions at the macro- and mesolevels has been studied, which made it possible to form a vision of the readiness of the Ukrainian economy for effective reproduction and balancing the level of development. It is proved that in Ukraine there is a legal field for the effective development of regions, but there are no results of systemic regional development, harmonization of the interests of the regions and the state in the field of development. The conditions for reforming the legal support for the convergence of regions are formulated and it is indicated that the coordination of priorities for national and regional development should occur through the optimal unity of state, regional, local initiatives and taking into account the interests of business within individual regions.

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