
The article is devoted to the substantiation of methodological support for monitoring the effectiveness of strategic changes in agricultural machinery enterprises. The IDEF0 notation was used as a tool. The meaning of the concept of «assessment» is considered. The purpose of monitoring as a management function is defined. A comparative description of the concepts of «assessment» and «monitoring» is presented. The content of the business process, its features and specifics of the description are considered. The description of the model in the IDEF0 notation is given. The advantages of IDEF0 notation are presented. The type of interface in IDEF0 notation is defined: the control information is included in the block from above; input information is included in the block on the left; the results come from the block on the right; the mechanism (automated system or person) that performs the operation is included in the unit below. It is proved that monitoring the effectiveness of strategic changes involves the presence of a complex structure in the context of the mechanism of strategic change management and the application of a process approach, which determines the feasibility of using business process modeling. A process model for monitoring the effectiveness of strategic changes using the BPwin business process modeling tool (AllFusion Process Modeler) has been built. The substantive component of the monitoring processes the effectiveness of strategic change is provided, which includes information on the input (intermediate results of the implementation of the strategic change management mechanism) and output (effectiveness of the strategic change management mechanism) of the model within each first and second level process. The visualization of the proposed model in the BPWin environment is presented. The functions of monitoring the effectiveness of strategic changes are defined. The results of modeling of current monitoring tasks with the help of "AS-IS" are given. The results of model decomposition of the monitoring the effectiveness of strategic changes into separate stages are presented. It is determined that when monitoring the effectiveness of strategic changes, the main management tool at this stage is the use of strategic maps, which makes it possible to visualize the causal links between the elements of enterprise strategy. The properties of the proposed process model for monitoring the effectiveness of strategic changes are specified. Key words: monitoring, strategic changes, evaluation, process model, BPwin (AllFusion Process Modeler), IDEF0 notations.

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