
The language creating by M. Kotsiubynskyi is rightly considered an outstanding phenomenon in the development of the Ukrainian literary language. The writer's epistolary covers a fairly wide range of addressees, among whom were his friends and casual acquaintances, the author was not spiritually close and unanimous in views with all addressees, sometimes he communicated exclusively on an official level. Kotsiubynskyi corresponded with almost all prominent personalities of that time, so his epistolary heritage contains many interesting facts about the history of the publication and distribution of Ukrainian books, the history of censorship repressions, etc. The works of S. Antonenko, S. Bohdan, S. Hanzha, I. Hryhorenko, N. Zhuravlova, O. Kalyta, M. Kotsiubynska, V. Kuzmenko, K. Lenets, A. Nairulin, S. Sviatovets, I. Fokina are devoted to the issues of poetics, the reception of the epistolary genre and style, and the study of the epistolary of writers. Language and etiquette formulas of the epistolary heritage of Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi are studied in the article. The following formulas of speech etiquette have been analyzed: greeting, adressing, farewell, apology, request, postscript. Etiquette formulas take an important place in the writer's epistolary. The special features are the use of adressing in the exclamatory form, traditional formulas at the beginning and end of letters, the use of formulas of greetings, apologies, requests, and postscripts. The author is characterized by ease in choosing certain language means and immediacy in expressing emotions.

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