
А study of national normatively-legal acts that regulate activity of organizations and medical personnel in the system of health care and also international documents, about ethics allowed to us to come to the following. Influence of the state on education of high ethic relations in the environment of medical personnel is provided by normatively-legal, by acts, that form official ethics it is possible to include to that,: Law of Ukraine of «Basis of legislation on a health protection Ukraine», Oath of doctor, Ethic code of doctor of Ukraine, Ethic code of medical sister of Ukraine, Ethic code of pharmaceutical workers of Ukraine. Also in this circle normatively-legal acts that form the special medical legislation after different directions of medical activity are included: Laws of Ukraine «On the donor ship of blood of ї of her components», «About transplantation of organs and other anatomic materials of man», «About a psychiatric help», «About prohibition of the reproductive cloning of man», «About medicinal facilities» et al. Exactly the state tries normatively-legal acts to carry out influence on education of ethical behavior of medical personnel. All operating in the state documents that regulate mental and ethical relations in a medical environment are based on the confessed international acts, in particular on the International code of medical ethics and International oath of doctors that on maintenance are the modern release of «Oath» of Hippocrates, and on General declaration about bioethics and human rights, and also other international documents. In these documents behavior of medical workers is regulated at the grant of medical care, that always must restrain temper ethic values and rules of justice, goodwill, sympathy and respect to the man, professional competence, identical attitude toward all patients regardless of their social state and other features, inhibition of medical secret and other. All ethic rules are identically important, both for the transmitter of certain behavior and for his social environment. Mutual relations between people from old times are regulated by ethic norms and rules. A modern medical ethics that purchased the name of bioethics cannot do without application in everyday life by the medical personnel of the formed four models of ethical behavior (after Hippocrates, after Paracelsus, after Petrov and modern bioethics), that was produced by human practice and medical public in the world during many centuries. In present tense bioethics is examined as ethics of future life. Values and principles of bioethics are the modern moral system for a medical personnel and functioning of the system of health protection. Among basic and major principles of bioethics for medical workers experts consider four: respect and autonomy of man and to the patient in particular. On this principle independence of patient stands in made decision about possibility of realization of treatments by a doctor, or medical a sister, informed consent to surgical interference, or other manipulations. A justice is identical attitude and sympathy of medical personnel toward somebody regardless of his social status and financial possibilities. Benefaction is unselfish attitude toward a patient and sincere attempt to help. On this principle it follows to offer hand of help and improve the state of patient, regardless of circumstances. And also principle not to harm the actions, after that it follows always at accepted medical decisions of diagnostic and curative character, to think a sick man and weigh possible consequences and quality of life of man after the given help. In present tense it is considered that medical care is valuable then, when medical personnel restrain temper all ethic norms and rules, but not only correctly and adequately uses curatively-diagnostic technology. The prominent representatives of medical profession always marked humane essence of medicine, required mercy, honest and selfless implementation by the physicians of the professional duties according to calling and conscience.

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