
Nowadays operational forecasts of river flow are implemented in the form of automated systems for issuing forecasts, as well as delivering forecast products to users. Only within the framework of these systems, using modern software, the maximum efficiency is achieved from the use of hydrological models by automating all processes, combining them with operational database management systems, as well as with modern GIS and web tools for generating forecast products and delivering them to users. Over the past decade, the Hydrometeorological Research Center of the Russian Federation (Hydrometcenter of Russia) has been actively developed automated systems for issuing hydrological forecasts and communicating them to users. The systems are based on modern hydrological models, all available hydrometeorological information, including numerical weather forecasts, as well as modern software tools, including GIS and web technologies. Such systems have been implemented for large river basins, including the basin of the Kuban and the rivers of the Black Sea coast of Russia, the Amur and Volga basins. In recent years, the system has been developed for the entire territory of Russia. These systems are actively used by the Roshydromet operational forecasting divisions, as well as by specialists from the EMERCOM of Russia.

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