
The authors consider the potential of grandparents in the context of family education of preschool children with severe speech disorders. The paper presents the reasons increasing both the conceptual and practical significance of the grandparent institution: the current socio-demographic situation – the increase in life expectancy and its active period prolongation; the participation of grandmothers and grandfathers in the material and economic support of a family, etc. The paper contains the results of an experimental study of grandparents’ resources in the rehabilitation of preschool children with motor alalia. During the research, the authors specified some questions, each of which formed a separate line of research. The authors identified the comparability indicators of a grandparents’ sample: the number of different types of families, age and gender of grandparents, sociocultural differences. The study proved the importance of the grandparents’ role in the family education of preschool children with alalia. The paper presents the technology of studying the rehabilitation potential of grandparents, which is determined by three main areas: the study of grandparents’ attitude to the presence of a severe speech disorder in a child; the study of own speech and communication capabilities; the study of their readiness to work together with specialists in overcoming alalia in a child. The first line of research includes two diagnostic stages: a questionnaire aimed to identify the level of hereditary reflection (quantitative assessment) and a clinical interview to study the attitude of grandparents to the presence of a severe speech disorder in a child (qualitative assessment). The analysis of the second diagnostic stage allowed classifying the opinions of the progenitors and dividing them into several groups. To conduct the second line of research, the authors developed a special technique based on the methodological foundations of the theory of oral communication. It was important to identify the presence/absence of various speech disorders in grandparents. To determine the readiness of grandparents to work together with specialists in overcoming motor alalia, the authors developed a questionnaire.

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