
The article examines the changes in labor resulting from the digitalization of the workplace with the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The appearance of new forms of work, the replacement of labor by machines and changes in the qualities and training of the workforce are highlighted. The overcoming of the social contradictions that accompany these changes is associated with the implementation of new instruments such as a global profit tax on large corporations and robotic systems, the elimination of offshore zones, new forms of regulation of new forms of work, unconditional basic income, reduction of working hours, changes in education systems, new forms of control over labor migration, etc. The conclusion is made that the changes occurring in labor lead to new processes and phenomena in the economy, which are an important challenge for economic sciences and especially for political economy to make observations and identify new trends and dependencies. At the same time, the new processes and phenomena require the creation and implementation of new tools for overcoming the negative consequences and adversе impacts on man and society.

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