
The prohibition of the smuggling at non-treaty ports in Korea was first stipulated at the Treaty of Commerce(通商章程) between Korea and Japan in 1876, containing the rule for the confiscation of goods & money and extradition of the smuggler in case of being exposed, and of exceptionally allowing the sailing at non-treaty ports only in case of Koreans’ hiring Japanese ships. These articles were succeeded by the Korea-U.S. and Korea-China Treaty of 1882.BR After that, the rule of imposing fines in case of smuggling disclosed and permitting the sailing at non-treaty ports for rescuing the wrecked ships were added to the 33SUPth/SUP Article of the Revised Treaty of Commerce between Korea and Japan in 1883, with the rule of the extraditing the smuggler deleted instead. This rule remained in force as the guideline on non-treaty ports for Japanese until the period of the Korean Empire. For the Western States, prohibiting the smuggling at non-treaty ports and the imposing fines of double the price of goods, along with arresting & investigating the smuggler and confiscating the goods & money in case of being disclosed were stipulated at the Treaty between Korea and U.K. in 1883, and stayed intact in the treaties with other states afterwards along with that between the Korean Empire and China in 1899.BR And the rule for the western ships sailing at non-treaty ports under the hire by Korean was designated to prevent abusing the article of allowing the sailing at non-treaty ports in case of hiring foreign ships in the treaties by the Korean Customs(海關). Based on these rules, the crackdown for the smuggling at non-treaty ports was executed, but not performed on a national scale in the period of three treaty ports[Busan(釜山), Incheon(仁川), Wonsan (元山)] system. After the establishment of the Korean Empire in 1897, the nationwide crackdown was executed due to the growth of the trade volume caused by the increase of treaty ports(開港場) and open markets(開市場).

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