
The article is devoted to the elucidation of ways to improve the academic speech of applicants for the degree of "Doctor of Philosophy". The concept of "academic speech" is understood as the activity of the researcher to create specialized professional scientific texts and present orally or in writing the results of research at scientific events of various levels. It is noted that the improvement of academic speech in the conditions of postgraduate / adjunct studies can be significantly contributed by the discipline "Fundamentals of Academic Speech", which aims to deepen knowledge of modern Ukrainian literary language, to develop a sense of scientific language, the language taste, to master the scientific style of speech and writing, language means of the scientific text, to develop the steady abilities and skills of the correct and communicatively justified use of language means in academic speech, to form the speech behavior in oral scientific discussion. The most common mistakes that occur in scientific texts are identified. They include: lexical (tracings from the Russian language, tautology, pleonasms, incorrect use of paronyms), grammatical (incorrect formation of singular forms of nouns, adjectives, numerals, pronouns, incorrect use of prepositions, incorrect formation of participles, incorrect use of pronouns), syntactic (oversaturation of the scientific text with the verb forms on "-ся", non-normative use of prepositions as a part of syntactic constructions); stylistic, punctuation, spelling mistakes. A number of exercises, methods and forms of organization of the educational process which can contribute to the improvement of academic speech of future scientists are proposed. They include exercises on editing and translating scientific texts, role-playing and business games, discussions, debates, brainstorming, project method, preparation of own scientific texts, speeches with an oral scientific report in compliance with the requirements for public speaking.

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