
Large-scale gasification of agricultural enterprises, personal subsidiary plots and farms, for which the most energy-intensive processes are the preparation of feed, food, and home heating, has revealed the need to automate digesters. The peculiarity of the operation of digesters is due to the fact that as the contents of the cooking container are heated to boiling temperature, the heat consumption decreases, and when the product boils, the heat consumption drops below 10%. It has been established that the lack of automatic gas control leads to excessive heat release into the atmosphere during the combustion of gaseous fuel. Previously, a gas burner unit was developed based on a partially automatic industrially produced gas burner device of the AGU-T-M type for digesters, which makes it possible to regulate gas flow in proportion to the consumed heat flow. The task was set to develop a promising scheme that would make it possible to regulate the gas flow in the digester in proportion to the consumed heat flow. This article describes two variants of schemes for proportional control of gas flow in a digester: the first is an improved scheme based on an automated gas burner device of the AGU-T-M type; the second is a circuit developed on the basis of Peltier semiconductor modules, a control solenoid with a gate valve. An assessment is given indicating the advantages and disadvantages of these schemes. It is shown that the first scheme is efficient and energy-independent; its use is most effective in remote settlements where there are frequent interruptions in the centralized power supply. The second scheme corresponds to the latest achievements of scientific and technological progress.

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