
The necessity of pre-university professional orientation of senior students on peda-gogical professions is shown. It is considered as a stage of creation of teacher professional growth system. The reasons for the decrease of interest in traditional forms of pre-professional pedagogi-cal training on the part of students and the pedagogical community are revealed. Developed variable model class pedagogical orientation – network educational class. Its purpose and the main tasks: educational and organizational are shown. The basic forms of educational activity in the network pedagogical class are offered. The possibilities of social networks and services for educational activities within the network pedagogical class are revealed. The structure of the educational program, consisting of separate modules, the choice of which is consistent with the educational organizations that will be trained in the network format, is revealed. Each of the modules has a specific purpose and different organizational forms, which allows you to include an element of novelty in the classroom, to maintain the interest of students. The practice-oriented nature of training, including a block of introductory practices and educational expeditions, is emphasized. The attention is paid to the change of pedagogical activity of the University teachers working in the network pedagogical class, which requires them a good level of knowledge of information technology, understanding the specifics of distance learning, taking into account its design features.

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