
The study of the issues associated with modern mental confrontation affects a wide variety of scientific fields, and not only the humanities. However, the pedagogical aspects of the issue of successfully countering the means of mental intervention carried out by unfriendly countries against our country using psychotronic, organizational, information weapons, and social manipulation remain practically undeveloped. The purpose of the research is to substantiate the necessity and possibilities of studying national and social immunity, mentality, taking into account the specifics of the conditions of modern mental confrontation. The theoretical significance of the article's material is related to the fact that it contains a definition of social mentality, taking into account its specifics in relation to the community of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, concretized on the basis of an analysis of prevailing in domestic science (primarily – philosophy) approaches to the definition and characterization of mentality, mentality, the conclusions are substantiated that allow us to purposefully solve tasks aimed at achieving the goal of preserving and progressive development of mentality, national mentality and social mentality of individual professional communities as its component. The practical significance of the presented research results consists not only in the fact that it emphasizes the importance of creating a theoretical and methodological basis for conducting pedagogical research on the identified problems, but also shows the importance of developing methodological support for educational (primarily educational) activities of faculty and senior staff of departmental universities, ensuring the resolution of crucial issues at the present stage of development. There are contradictions in our country, which has positive social consequences. The originality of the work is determined by the fact that this is one of the few studies aimed at solving the problems of mental confrontation using the achievements of pedagogical science and practice, in which, based on the analysis of the results of research conducted in various humanitarian fields, provisions are formulated that contribute to the resolution of these issues.

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