
Разработано программное обеспечение ImgOpinion, которое позволяет выполнять оптико-структурный анализ цифрового изображения объекта методами компьютерного зрения. Оно предназначено для использования в экспертных лабораториях в составе аппаратно-программного комплекса компьютерного зрения MS-Unit, который включает специализированный осветитель “Фотобокс 3138” с цифровой регистрирующей камерой. Выходные данные строятся в виде цифрового паспорта огнестрельного повреждения, в котором приводятся криминалистически значимые характеристики объекта исследования, а также выявленных на нем следов выстрела. The ImgOpinion software, capable to perform the optical and structural analysis of a digital image of the object by computer vision methods, was developed. It can be employed in expert laboratories as a part of the computer vision hardware-software complex MS-Unit together with specialized illuminator “Photobox 3138” with a digital recording camera. The output data is constructed in the form of a digital passport of the gunshot residue, which contains forensically significant characteristics of the object under investigation, as well as a gunshot residue detected on it. Purpose. The research has solved the problem of creating a specialised hardware and software complex for forensic examination, the use of which partially automates the processes of identification and quantitative characterisation of gunshot traces and products. Methodology. Non-destructive research methods are implemented in computer vision systems, which include two main stages: a digital image acquisition and its mathematical processing. The hardware and software complex of a computer vision usually consists of an illuminator, a digital recording video camera and a specialised program for processing the raw data. Findings. ImgOpinion software has been developed, which allows performing the optical-structural analyses of digital images using the computer vision methods and is intended for use in expert laboratories as part of the MS-Unit computer vision hardware and software complex, which includes a specialized illuminator “Photobox 3138” with a digital recording camera. Autonomous and portable device has a mobile design and provides white light with colour temperature 5000 K (CIE D50) and colour rendering index CRI = 97+. Six independently switched LED monochrome illuminators with narrow spectral bands from 365 to 880 nm (UV to IR spectral bands) provide the uniform illumination without extraneous stray light on the working field (light intensity drop below 2 % at the edges of the working field). Value. The ImgOpinion output is constructed in the form of a digital passport of a gunshot injury, which contains forensically relevant characteristics of the object of investigation. The digital passport is an adaptation of the forensically significant information on the firearm traces for the integration into specialized databases for further development of the automation of expert evaluation processes, conducting the automated trace comparison and the determination of incident circumstances by it.

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