
The purpose of the research is to attract the attention of specialists to studies of the hereditary peri-odicity of human diseases (NPZ), which allows predicting the time of probable pathologies with an acute onset with an error of +1-4 days. The purpose of forecasts is to take timely measures and re-duce morbidity. To determine the NPZ and forecast in 1993, 2 computer programs were registered in Rospatent, modified in 2014. The database contains information about the dates of occurrence of pathologies with an acute onset of 2,400 men and women, parents and children. The programs use 5 coordinate systems. Studies of the NPZ using different coordinate systems made it possible to de-termine genetically programmed dominant rhythms (DR) of a person with high accuracy and com-pare them between men and women, parents and children, digital twins whose DR coincide ( +1 day.) The manifestation of NPZ in graphic and digital form is revealed by the examples of patients who have suffered 1-2 acute myocardial infarctions. NPZ manifests itself in various nosological forms, including infectious, alternating with angina attacks, myocardial infarctions and others. DR, some of which are a function of astronomical cycles, have been identified in close relatives and digi-tal twins. Dozens of studies have been conducted, the results of which are issued as an application for the proposed opening of the NPZ. The application was accepted for consideration by the State Committee of Inventions in 1983 under No. OT-10680. The application has not been check. Checking the application and creating a large–scale computer database is the start for new discoveries and inventions in this field. Studies of hereditary periodicity of diseases using 5 coordinate systems are a synthesis of astronomy, physics, mathematics, chronobiology and chronomedicine. Forecasts of the time of probable diseases are warning signs on our life path.

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