
The article attempts to investigate the regional association of the «Lublin Triangle». It has been proven that the «Lublin Triangle» is an example of a new trend in modern regional cooperation when interested neighbouring countries demonstrate the will to integrate for joint coordination of actions in priority areas of domestic and foreign policy. The formation of a tripartite format of cooperation between Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania was traced. Common challenges and threats are emphasised, especially taking into account the ongoing russian aggression in Ukraine. The main tasks and goals of the «Lublin Triangle» were analysed, including the coordination of the actions of the three states to effectively counter current challenges and threats to common security. It was noted that the priority task in cooperation is joint counteraction to hybrid threats from russia, primarily in the fight against disinformation, helping Ukraine to approach EU and NATO standards with the aim of faster Euro-Atlantic integration. It was noted that the parties expressed their intention to actively develop trade and investments, ensure better access to regional infrastructure and improve it is quality by activating ambitious projects that promote cohesion in the region. The institutional basis of the «Lublin Triangle» was analyzed and it was determined that cooperation within this association was established at the level of presidents, heads of government, foreign ministers and national coordinators. The primary documents that the parties adopted within the framework of the «Lublin Triangle» and joint tripartite projects were studied. It was noted that with the beginning of the fullscale war in Ukraine, the cooperation between Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine significantly intensified, primarily in the military-technical, humanitarian, diplomatic, and political spheres. Warsaw and Vilnius have shown themselves to be true friends of Ukraine and have demonstrated their friendship, support, concern and loyalty through their actions. The multifaceted assistance provided to official Kyiv by Poland and Lithuania was analyzed. It is noted that Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania play a significant role in the processes of forming modern political, cultural and social realities in the region of Central Europe and are aware of the benefits of further strengthening political, economic, infrastructural, security, defence and cultural ties between their countries in the modern world. It has been established that the «Lublin triangle» is an ambitious tripartite format for cooperation that demonstrates unity, a common vision of prospects, threats and ways of developing a qualitatively new regional integration.

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