
Contact between languages has been going on for centuries. Languages are not immune to linguistic exchanges. The lexicons of these languages have been greatly influenced by the various languages with which they have come into contact. The exchanges of these languages are under the influence of political, social, economic, touristic and cultural relations, with countries having one or more different languages. And lexical units from other languages are called in French LOANS (des EMPRUNTS). The lexicon continues to grow, mimicking the development of the whole society. The causes of borrowing are linked to different sociocultural and sociolinguistic conditions. Some borrowings are used in technical fields, such as sport, music, and cooking, to designate a foreign word that does not exist in the language system of the so-called target language, by copying and pasting these words, such as football, crescendo, and hamburger. That is to say, we borrow a word from a source language to fill the gap in the target language. Other borrowings come from the globalization of languages, such as the word weekend which already exists in French in the form end of week. French, like almost all languages in the world, has borrowed lexical units from other languages. The issue of borrowings that interests us here is that of contact between French and Kurdish, and French and Arabic.

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