
Nowadays, the presence of benign endometrial proliferations remains as an urgent matter in gynecology. Among these proliferations are uterine polyps (UPs), which have an incidence rate ranging from 25 to 35%. While UPs are typically benign, in rare cases (2–13%) they can contribute to the development of endometrial cancer. This review aims to explore the etiology, pathogenesis, risk factors, diagnostic methods, and treatment approaches associated with UPs. Currently, it is widely accepted that UPs have a multifactorial origin. Several risk factors for UPs have been identified, including obesity, hypertension, long-term use of cyclic menopausal hormone therapy, and tamoxifen therapy. Most researchers concur that hysteroscopic polypectomy is crucial due to the potential risk of malignancy. In the diagnosis of UPs, histological examination plays an important role in identifying the presence of atypia. However, it is important to note that surgical intervention does not guarantee the prevention of recurrent cases, highlighting the necessity for the development of pathogenetically justified methods to prevent UP recurrence. As of today, the relevant issue is the choice of patient management tactics in the postoperative period aimed at preventing UPs recurrence. KEYWORDS: uterine polyps, hysteroscopy, polypectomy, infertility, hormonal treatment, uterine polyp recurrence, endometrial cancer. FOR CITATION: Khachatryan A.S., Dobrokhotova Yu.E., Ilyina I.Yu., Kazantsev S.N. Modern view on the patient management with uterine polyps. Russian Journal of Woman and Child Health. 2024;7(1):35–40 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.32364/2618-8430-2024-7-1-5.

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