
The purpose of the article is to determine the economic diagnostics and development of measures to ensure the competitiveness of the enterprise in the transport market in conditions of variability and uncertainty of the external economic environment. The stages and methods of competitive analysis are analyzed. The relevance of the diagnostics of the enterprise is substantiated. The features of the current state of diagnostic systems at domestic transport enterprises are also determined, including the following: use of simple analytical diagnostic methods; a limited number of indicators that are used by managers as indicators of the state of enterprise; retrospective and current direction of diagnostics; use of accounting and statistical accounting data as information sources; predominance of symptomatic type of diagnostics and the single use of etiological diagnostics; use of diagnostics mainly to prevent a crisis state; lack of a formalized methodology for the implementation of economic diagnostics, taking into account industry specifics. The solution of the main problems of the diagnostic system at enterprises in modern economic conditions is proposed, namely: formation of a system of criteria (indicators) that can characterize the object and adequately reflect its condition, taking into account factors of influence; development of a scale for measuring the values of indicators that allow minimizing the influence of the subjectivity factor in the course of diagnosing; development of a formalized methodology for diagnosing the state of enterprises, taking into account the specifics of their activities and developing a methodology for choosing the best option for measures that facilitate the improvement of the work of all components of the object of study.

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