
Introduction. The problem and the purpose. This article discusses the theoretical rationale and practical implementation of a set of organizational and pedagogical conditions that contribute to the development of information competence of the teacher. Particular attention is paid to clarifying the concept of “information competence”. The article reveals the author’s approach to the organization of the  process of  developing  information competence of a technical university teacher. The purpose of the article is to identify the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of a teacher’s information competence and to characterize their  influence on the success of the information competence development of a modern teacher working at a Russian technical college. Material and Methods. The research methodology is based on the analysis and generalization of regulatory documents for higher education, research works of foreign and domestic researchers recognized by scientific community. Results.  The study showed that the aggregate of organizational and pedagogical conditions for implementing the information competence of a teacher in a Russian technical university presented in the article is timely, quite constructive and promising, on the one hand, contributing to the full release of the teacher’s potential and enhancing his personal responsibility for the social realization of  his own mission in his professional activities, on the other hand, creating the basis for his continuous independent professional growth. Conclusions. The author’s conception of forming the information competence of a teacher proposed in the article can be implemented in the professional activity of a contemporary teacher. Effective organizational and pedagogical conditions for its implementation can determine the design of educational activities using the means of information and communication technologies, the design of the main technological components of the educational process and research orientation.

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