
The materials of the article introduce the pedagogical school of an outstanding Ukrainian, the world-famous singer Oleksandr Pylypovich Myshuga, who managed to combine the national traditions of singing with the Italian professional school of bell canto, creating his own scientific and artistic vocal school. Oleksandr Pylypovich's pedagogical legacy still holds a deep place in the development of the vocal class of the National Music Academy of Ukraine, where two of his students – Mykhailo Venediktovych Mykysha and Maria Eduardivna Donets-Tesseir – once worked. Myshuga is known not only as an outstanding singer and teacher. He entered the history of art also as a patron, thanks to which many talented personalities were able to realize themselves. He gave almost all of his funds to the education of his own students, helped his fellow villagers and even invested money in the development of bursaries. His name is written in golden letters in the history of our people. M. Lysenko's Music and Drama School (Ukrainian educational institution) was the only one in tsarist Russia where teaching was conducted in the Ukrainian language and where the achievements of national drama and national musical theater were integrated. When a world- famous singer came to teach here, it greatly increased her authority. Having analyzed Oleksandr Myshuga's pedagogical ideas and his philanthropic activities, we can come to the conclusion that Maestro's teaching practice had an integrative character. Considering the fact that O. Myshuga had not only a musical, but also a pedagogical education, he tried to raise a comprehensively educated personality, an intellectual performer. While engaged in practical classes with students, he also found time for vocal lectures, tried to implement the principle of multilingualism – understanding the text of vocal works in the original language. As a philanthropist, O. Myshug helped the formation of many talented individuals – includin such bright personalities, luminaries of Ukrainian vocal pedagogy, as Mykhailo Mykysha and Maria Donets-Tesseir.

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